How to have a lead magnet work for, not against, your business

Nicci Lou
7 min readMar 14, 2021

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is like a lighthouse that shines a light on what you do, so a complete stranger can find you. They don’t know you. Or if they do, they don’t follow you. All they know is that they want something… their world is lacking in some way. If you’ve ever clicked on an advert on social media that’s asked for your email address in return for a checklist, a video, or a free gift then you’ve already come across a lead magnet.

In doing so you desired the answer to a certain problem. Perhaps you were feeling fat or frumpy that day? Nope, just me then. Or perhaps you’d like to go vegan, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe your closet is still in a mess and you want to get organised, at least half the month anyway? All my sponsored adverts offer me educational programs for my kids, or ways to ‘get more clients in less time’ because I’ve fallen down both those rabbit holes one too many times.

There have been some lead magnets that have me on a list where I almost await every email sent. And there are others that have me hit unsubscribe on the emails that arrive as I can’t remember who the person is, or how they helped me. You want to be that memorable person.

I bet you have many tricks that can help people do everything from organising their email to coming up with a brand identity.

They’ve got a problem and you know the answer. You can help them. And in return you get their email address, so you can continue to talk to them. Isn’t it a much better way of interacting with someone in today’s distracted world than dropping them a DM introducing yourself, a stranger? Your new connection doesn’t care about what you’re saying at best and hates what you’re doing at worst. After all, business isn’t about you. It’s about them and how you can guide them to be better. They are the hero.

Unlike social media, your email list belongs to you. It’s an asset that can’t be taken away by an algorithm and for as long as they don’t unsubscribe these potential clients or leads can be chatted to. But there are a number of ways you can go wrong when building a lead magnet. So let’s take a look at those…

How to get a lead magnet wrong

You’ve fixed a problem that doesn’t exist

For example, many coaches talk about ‘getting clarity’ for their clients. When clients are never actually looking for clarity. This is never something they Google or search for. They are too busy trying to work out how to get more clients, to work less, or whether they are sure they should dump their partner 🍆. So don’t offer a ‘checklist for better clarity’.

As another example, it’s rarer for women to search — ‘how to fix your metabolism’. If they are, then they’re closer to buying the solution and probably from someone they’ve already found. A better lead magnet would be something that’s positioned to help women with low energy or extra belly fat.

You’ve left them feeling lacking.

It’s no good putting together a guide on ‘how to hang curtains,’ but not being specific enough about the type of window or curtain style. In trying to please everyone you’ve made a useless product. ‘A checklist for hanging pleated curtains in a bay window’ would be more helpful.

Also while you don’t want to give everything away. You do what them to have a transformation as a result of your guide alone. You want them to say ‘if this is the free stuff, imagine what the paid stuff is like’. If you’re concerned about them still finding your offer useful afterwards then you could stick with the ‘what and the why’ and leave out the ‘how’. Or you could concentrate on a section. For example the headline of a social media bio, or the sock draw of a closet.

You’ve taken on too big a problem

For example, they’re feeling frumpy and fat as mentioned earlier. That could be down to a lack of exercise, poor diet, a hormonal imbalance and the list goes on. If the guide has them get a small win. One small transformation. Then they are more likely to stay interested in you and what you offer.

For example, your lead magnet could be a 30-day workout video series that leaves them feeling motivated, for a while at least, to continue exercising and feeling stronger. But that’s a lot of work; a checklist on how to safely eliminate wheat might be a better option as cutting that out gives a quick transformation, that’s results don’t last.

You don’t actually want to help with that…

That leads us to the trap I fell into, repeatedly, when I first started. And the trickiest of all to get your head around.

You don’t want to fix something that you’re not set up or prepared to help with long term.

For example, you don’t want to give them ideas on what to write in their blog posts when you write landing pages. Doing that will attract bloggers, or people looking for someone to write the articles for them; no-one who wants a landing page. So, you’ve led someone down your garden path to only shut the door in their face. Whoops!

And that’s why coming up with a lead magnet does take some thought…

The six steps to an amazeballs lead magnet

Step 1

Think of what you do. And of what information or transformation, your ideal client needs to have to bring them one step closer to buying from you.

Step 2

Think of one problem that your ideal client has and ask them if it’s a problem for them in Facebook groups, by email, or in person. Don’t do the work until you know it’s needed…

Step 3

Think of one transformation or piece of knowledge that will have them go ‘aha’.. an make that your concept.

Step 4

Work out the best way that that conceptual information can be shared with them. Will it be a video series, a checklist, a mini-guide? Which one plays to your strengths?

Step 5

Make the item that offers one transformation and leads your prospect closer to buying from you. Then put it out in the world using a landing page that you share through email or social media. You can also add links to it to your email signature, website and social media bios. Having tried Mailchimp, Mailerlite and Convertkit I favour Mailerlite. That may change with a 6 figure business… but for now, it works.

Step 6

Be memorable by making your lead magnet interactive. If you ‘do’ as you learn then you get more out of the resource — a win for them and a win for you; as your resource and therefor your business becomes more valuable to them.

To encourage action, collaboration and interaction with you and others you could offer up a Facebook group; have them hit reply and answer a particular question. You might even choose to include a workbook for them to fill in as they read your guide or watch your video.

How to have a lead magnet work for, not against, your business

In conclusion, a lead magnet shines a light on what you do by offering up one small transformation to a problem your potential client is having. It should be so good that it leaves them saying ‘if this is the free gift imagine how good the paid offer is’.

On signing up the welcome sequence and nurture emails then lead them towards buying from you; with your main offer being related to getting a larger transformation to their main problem. For example, as a copywriter and a strategist, I help you come up with your Eureka offers. An offer that uses Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints to look at the science of flow and with a landing page shifts the mindset on what your client thinks is possible. This means you’re offering the impossible. Something hard to say no to.

I can do this thanks to 15 years of keeping systems flowing through intensive care as a senior nurse. As well as my six years working in small business. Where most copywriters take weeks to write. I’ll have your Eureka offer described and designed and LIVE in your own email provider within 7 days.

As a result, my lead magnet is a video series giving an overview of what different offers are from lead magnets to DIY courses. The transformation is a plan of action for the life of your unique business. With no more falling down rabbit holes looking for ‘more clients in less time’.

Whatever you decide to offer, remember to only fix a part of the problem. And only try to help with one specific problem then opens their eyes to a greater need that you’re perfect to help with — once they know, like and trust you.

What has been your biggest take home from this article? Drop a comment to let me know. Or email me at

Stay Authentic. Stay You ✨

P.s While all my client work is proofread, twice (pre and post being dropped into the design) my emails, social posts and blog posts aren’t proofread, or professionally designed, because that’s the greatest form of procrastination there is… for me. So forgive me any typos or misdemeanours.



Nicci Lou

Copywriter, Strategist, Nurse, Mother